LDHSS Graduate Awards 2025

Hello 2025 LDH Grads, it's that time of year to start thinking about graduation and your future. If you would like monetary help towards your post-secondary education, and/or recognition of your accomplishments throughout your Longfields journey, PLEASE fill out this form (and submit any other necessary documents) by the end of the day on March 31.
It might be lengthy for some of you, but what other opportunity would you have to spend 1 to 2 hours and potentially earn anywhere from $100 to $1000 (or even more) towards your future!
You MUST use your school email to complete the form and any other forms, letters, emails, videos or further information that you might need to provide over and above this ONE form.
Read all the instructions carefully and don't forget to submit all the information requested as necessary!
Good luck!